Pantacon, Italija

13.07.2018, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sobota, 1. september 2018

Pantacon is looking for partners working in the field of performing arts (theatre, dance, music) for their project “OVER THE PUPPET’S BRIDGE – the tradition between fairy tales and puppets”.

Organizacija: Pantacon

PANTACON ( is a network of cultural organizations settled in Mantova, northern Italy, with large experience in producing culture (performing arts, theatre, and cultural events), spreading culture (training and workshops) and managing heritage institutions (public libraries, museums, archives). The consortium is formed by Charta, Radiobase, Teatro Magro and Zerobeat cooperatives, and its first project under construction is called “Cultnetwork – making network for culture” and has been supported and supported by Cariplo Foundation and various local authorities (CCIAA), Province, Municipality, University.

Projekt: OVER THE PUPPET’S BRIDGE – the tradition between fairy tales and puppets

The project aims to re-discover the heritage of fairy tales (also through the collections of ethnographic museums in Europe), in order to spread awareness among the younger generation and among non-specialists, using innovative methods and interactive devices. Main actions and outputs should be:
– Studying the fairy tales repertoires to find out some contact between the different traditions. For example some common characters or situation (the foolish man, the fortune, the devil, etc.).
– Creating an interactive digital format on a permanent media device, valuable as a new product for museums or theatres to discover the contents of the fairy tale for new audiences.
– Realizing new puppet’s theatre performances based on the common characters for an audience of young people, families and children, travelling in all partner countries according to a joint planning (festival).

Kontakt: Matteo Rebecchi
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