Projekt: Borderless poetics - fighting imagological perceptions and promoting common values towards European citizenship
Fabula (projekt sodelovanja)Fabula is a travelling show performed in a traditional yurta tent every night. The show involves pantomime, puppet theatre and ventriloquia without a specific national language, but only with onomatopoeic sounds and facial expressions. The story, written using the framework of Propp, is intended for all audiences beyond all barriers of national language.
Program Kultura (2007-2013) /
Kulturna dediščina Odgovori do petek, 10. maj 2013
Projekt: Food cultureThey would be interested in joining a team which is intends to submit a proposal on any of the following themes: food culture, traditional foods, European cuisines, Mediterranean diet, food history, technology use to digitalize gastronomy culture and related themes.
Projekt: New ways of learning through digital technologies The Belgian festival KIKK and their partners from Spain and Serbia are looking for an organisation working in the digital art sector.
Projekt: The centrality of peripheries
KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd is a place in Linz/Austria that enables contemporary art and culture production in the fields of intersection between art and the psycho-social. And it is an offer from the association pro mente Upper Austria, a visionary organisation which works directly with artists and their artistic practice to support new approaches for reaching advanced visibility for psycho-social challenges.
Projekt: Passport Culture. Roads to a European CitizenshipThe objective of the project is to explore how Culture plays a key role in the conception of the idea of Citizenship.
Projekt: Creative laboratory of contemporary sound and movementCreative Lab wants to introduce, reinforce and start targeting the contemporary forms of expression through a blend of modern music and movement. In this way creates the individual design and creative thought.
The TERAZ POLIŻ Artistic Group - feminin independent theatrical group from Poland is willing to cooperate in a Culture project as a co-organiser.
Program Kultura (2007-2013) /
Kulturna dediščina Odgovori do petek, 31. maj 2013
Projekt: SenikOrganizacije iz Srbije išče partnerje v iz Slovenije in Madžarske za sodelovanje pri projektu s področja tradicionalne umetnostne obrti.