CEPAM is looking for schools or institutions promoting educational concerts with orchestra, esp. from Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, France, Netherland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, to cooperate in a project I COM - Involving Children in Orchestral Music.
Conservatório - Escola das Artes Engº Luiz Peter Clode (CEPAM) is looking for partners, e.g. schools or institutions promoting educational concerts with orchestra from preferably Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, France, Netherland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, to cooperate in the project I COM - Involving Children in Orchestral Music.
The ANO Festival, organized by the Catholic Bishopry of Syros and the Syros Greek Catholic Association, is looking for partners to cooperate within the OR.F.EU.S. (Organ Festivals in EUropean Seas) project. They are interested in collaborating with mainly festivals and other cultural operators.
The Urban Foundation from Yerevan is looking for partners, e.g. museums, cultural operators, theaters, festivals, publishing houses, to cooperate in the project called “Fairy Tales of North and South”.
Eleusis group from Italy is looking for partners from the field of performing arts to build a network of "good practices" of education through theater.
The Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art is looking for partners from Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and Austria to cooperate in an electronic music project.
Kaunas City Chamber Theatre is looking for partners to cooperate in a project focusing on creating a community and social space by integrating people with disabilities.
Atlas Weekend is looking for music/events-related organizations that are willing to collaborate on making festivals the best place to entertain.
Compagnie José Besprosvany is looking for theater venues or companies to cooperate in a project focusing on secularity as a European value for future generations.
Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) /
Kulturna dediščina Odgovori do petek, 30. avgust 2019
Harghita Community Development Association is interested in implementation of projects - in consortium, as a partner - at national and international level in the field of development and promotion of the tourism and cultural heritage.
Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) /
Interdisciplinarni projekti Odgovori do ponedeljek, 30. september 2019
Private university UCAM would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project dedicated to architecture, design and applied arts, cultural heritage and multimedia and new technologies.
Atlas Weekend would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project dedicated to performing arts. They are interested in partnerships with similar european festivals.