Opera Estudi Barcelona

31.01.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 5. marec 2014
Projekt: European Cultural OperaOrganizacija Opera Estudi Barcelona iz Španije išče partnerje – operne hiše, ki bi želele sodelovati v skupnem projektu »European Cultural Opera«.

The company ‘Opera Estudi Barcelona’ is looking for other Opera Studios in Europe to join their project “European Cultural Opera”, allowing the students and professionals involved to participate together on an international level. (Singers, but also pianists specialized in accompanying singers, stage directors, scenery, costume and lighting designers, and choreographers; that is to say, all specialties involved in the opera.)

Description of the project European Cultural Opera
1. My company ‘Opera Estudi Barcelona’ has been active since 2011. We organize courses for singers in stage performance and vocal technique. We also stage small to medium scale opera concerts and performances, mostly distributed in Catalonia. We are resident in Fort Pienc Cultural Centre with an auditorium and rehearsal spaces.
The purpose is to provide training and couching for advanced students, professional singers and pianists (accompanists) in opera, to help them with their integration into the opera houses.

2. The idea of the project is to join with other Opera Studios in Europe for a common project, allowing the students and professionals involved to participate together on an international level. (Singers, but also pianists specialized in accompanying singers, stage directors, scenery, costume and lighting designers, choreographers; that is to say, all specialties involved in the opera.

This project would involve study exchanges within Europe; opera singers from one country would change with singers from another country to continue their studies with a different perspective; a stage director from Berlin comes to Barcelona for a month and his counterpart experiences the opera scene in Berlin.
The culmination of these exchanges between countries would be the formation of a ‘European Opera Company’ and the staging of ‘The European Opera’ (a journey in space and time). This would be performed in theatres throughout Europe and we would also create a ‘video documentary’ of the process; a cultural event with the objective of introducing opera to many different audiences.

I hope that I have made the idea of the project clear. We would like to involve anybody interested in opera projects, whether or not they are part of an Opera Studio.

Greetings and we will keep in touch.
Isabel Franco www.isabelfranco-com.es

Contact details:
Opera Estudi Barcelona
Isabel Franco
e: operaestudi@ono.com, operaestudi@yahoo.es
w: www.isabelfranco-com.es