Center za razvoj in prenos znanja UP (kontakt: Sebastjan Rosa), ki je del mreže Enterprise Europe Network, posreduje partnersko ponudbo nemške organizacije onliveline GmbH, Büro für Konzeption & Inszenierung za sodelovanje pri projektu Talking Europa na razpisu Kultura za projekte sodelovanja 2018. Vodja projekta s sedežem v Berlinu išče partnerje iz Južne ali Vzhodne Evrope za sodelovanje pri projektu Talking Europe.
Projekt Talking Europa
The initiative #TalkingEuropa, want to create a platform that furthers a strong emotional-rational discourse about Europe and its identity.
The platform consists on the one hand of two containers – the “Café Europa” – following the discussive political heritage of cafés, placed in a city of each European country and on the other hand of a website showing all 28 streams at the same time.
The two containers in each country are:
ONE – the space for physical encounters – Europa “On Stage” – where content is collected, staged, created and presented.
TWO – the space for interactive digital encounters – Europa “On Air” – that streams the discussions and performances. At the same time, it shows the streaming of all the other countries – like a window into Europe.
Več o projektu tukaj (.pdf).
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