Občina Alessandria iz Italije

21.06.2012, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do petek, 5. oktober 2012
Projekt: RE.S.U.ME. - Recovering Symbols Using Memories

Project aims at recovering the historical memory of European “one company towns”, through the recovering of the symbols of the city-factory.  Their objective is to raise the awareness of the symbols of collective memory and increase consciousness of citizens, particularly young/new generations about the value of the cultural heritage of the city.
Case study in Italy will be Borsalino – historic felt hat factory and  the industry which developed around the city, both in terms of urban and social planning.
Target group: Citizenship,Young people, Workers in the cultural and artistic field
Stakeholders: Cultural Institutions, Universities, Museums

For more information contact: Jody Marco Abate
Municipality of Alessandria
Piazza della Libertà 1 , 15121 Alessandria
T: +390131234266
E: jm.abate@aspal.it
W: http://www.comune.alessandria.it