Núcleo Regional do Centro – Associaçăo Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral / (NRC – APPC)

6.12.2006, Kultura 2000 (2000-2006) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sobota, 1. februar 2025
Projekt: /

Integration of people with special needs in society through the maximum development of their potential and capacities, providing them with the right to rehabilitation, education, social security, health, housing, professional training, labour, as well as social and affective achievement.
NRC – APPC is preparing a Project in the area of the Music and Performing Arts and is searching for partners that are interested and available to make a partnership. They have a drama group in the organisation and a music band composed by people with special needs.

Mário Veríssimo , Núcleo Regional do Centro – Associacao Portuguesa de Paralisia Cerebral / (NRC – APPC)
Rua Garcia de Orta – Vale das Flores, 3030 – 188 Coimbra, Portugal
Contact person:
T: ++ 351 239792120, F: ++ 351 239792129
E: gprojectos@nrcappc.pt
W: www.nrcappc.p