Museo Martinitt e Stelline – Milano

30.09.2012, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sreda, 31. oktober 2012
Projekt: Local memories based on fairy tales, legends and myths

The project aims to preserve past local memories based on fairy tales, legends and myths that past generations used to narrate to their children.
We focused on mountain communities all over the European Alps in order to obtain a sort of new geographical and cultural area based on a common matrix of magic.
In this way the meaning of mountain and border – traditionally associated to isolation and segregation – might be related to new forms of cultural wealth.
Such multiple effort in filing the legends of the past will be the starting point in the promotion of related actions both for children, adults and finally the most aware local tourist industry.
Plan splitted in Single steps:
a) Italy, Slovenia, Austria and France: research of those institutions involved in local cultural preservation (border mountain communities) and collection of fairy tales and other pieces of traditional imaginary culture
b) Editing either book or cd with the whole filed documents.
c) Delivery of the book/cd to promote a drawing school contest based on the idea to the awareness of the local legends and tales
d) Photo contest based on the areas where tales are grounded
e) Dissemination of the results to tourist industry in order to enhance new form of cultural tourism
f) International conference based on these topics: fairy tale as a genre, the meaning of myths and symbols in the area subjected to research, oral memory.

Kontakt: Adriana Salviato
Museo Martinitt e Stelline – Milano
Corso Magenta 57, 20123 Milano
T: 02 43006522