MOSAIC, Grčija

7.02.2020, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 10. marec 2020
MOSAIC is open to cooperate in a project, related to harnessing and exploiting the local creativity and the cultural capital, for the benefit of the society and the region/urban development. They are skilled in research studies both desk and field, training and skills development, analytical papers, policy review, etc.


MOSAIC // Culture & Creativity is a Social Enterprise based in Patras. Its primary objective is the promotion, the empowerment, the capacity building, the audience Development and the extroversion of Creative Organizations in Greece as well as the studying and monitoring of the Cultural and Creative Sector and its contribution to local development, the economy and social cohesion.

They encourage Cultural and Social Innovation and Creative Entrepreneurship by supporting and guiding creative business and start-ups, developing local regional and international synergies and creating alternative ways of networking and co-operation between creative actors, businesses and the public.

Within the Creative Europe project framework, MOSAIC // Culture & Creativity may be a valuable and efficient partner. They are in position to deliver various tasks such as Research Studies both desk and field, Training and Skills Development, Analytical Papers, Policy Review, State-of-the-Art and/or Baseline Reports, Participatory / Bottom-Up consultations with Target Groups, Dissemination and Publicity activities, Multipliers Events organisation etc.

Dodatne informacije tukaj (.docx).

Kontakt: George Sarlis, co-founder (, T: +30 6973243646