Melissanthi Spei, Grčija

22.01.2021, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Arhitektura, oblikovanje in uporabne umetnosti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 31. maj 2021
Greek organisation STUDIO SPEIS (Melissanthi Spei) is interested in participating as a partner in a small scale cooperation project. The organisation is looking for projects that involve slow fashion, folklore, cultural heritage, craftsmanship, traditional textiles and residencies.

A small non-governmental organization aims to create an inspiring multicultural space – shelter of artists, researchers and designers from beginner to professional level with no discriminations.

The Residency and Open creative space for fashion and cultural heritage will allow makers, researchers and designers to interact with other creatives under one roof, learn from each other and create an international community. Diversity is the key factor in making this work and learning and understanding different artistic methodologies.

Contact: Melissanthi Spei
E: ,T: +30 6979304044, W: &