MeetShareDance, Španija

5.11.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 27. november 2019
MeetShareDance interested in participating as partner, esp. with Balkan countries, in projects related to dance, interdisciplinary fields (digital, performative), projects working on accessibility and inclusion, development of educational projects on inclusion and art.


MeetShareDance Association was created in 2012 in Madrid, Spain to support dance, creativity and art for people with and without disabilities and to create an international network for professionals and amateurs. Once a year we organize international dance workshop festival (every year in a different country).

We strive to:
– promote dance, inclusion and disability in Spain and worldwide and generate a public space that propels cultural exchange and artistic development
– design and develop educational programs and vocational training /artistic and technical for artists with and without disabilities
– strengthen the existence of integrated artistic spaces of social participation with open dance events, open stages, street performances, etc.
– promote the development of professionals and showing the diversity of dancer’s bodies

Video on our last festival:

We are interested to be engaged as a partner in projects related to dance, interdisciplinary fields (digital, performative), projects working on accessibility and inclusion, development of educational projects on inclusion and art.

Kontakt: Monika Požek
E:, W:; FB @meetsharedance