University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy, Museum of the History of Pharmacy

9.12.2015, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 5. oktober 2016


Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Belgrade is only institution in the region which comprises the collection of manuscripts, books and objects of utmost importance for the history of pharmacy and by staying there they may readily take a view of the development of pharmaceutical profession and pharmaceutical science in this area.

The Museum collection of the Faculty of Pharmacy is one of the most significant pharmaco-historiographic collection for its volume and value on the territory of Serbia and ex-republics of the former Yugoslavia. It includes a lot of apothecary accessories and equipment for drug preparation used in the past in pharmaceutical laboratories, mainly for drug synthesis and easier toxicological and chemical analyses.
The Museum partly disposes of the inventory of Pravitelstvena Apoteka which is the first state-owned pharmacy in Serbia (1836-1859). For its significance the collection of porcelan jars used for the preservation of liquid and solid preparations is particularly distinguished.
The Museum comprises very rich archive material and a library which includes scientific works between XVI-XX century.

Spletna stran:


Dušanka Krajnović
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy, Museum of the History of Pharmacy
Vojvode Stepe 450
11221 Belgrade

T: +381 11 3951 383

Projekt: A cup of tea

Although the presence of various entertainment media, low living standards and underdeveloped cultural habits of citizens represent a major barrier to the achievement of a dialogue with the audience. There is no common recipe for audience development and only experimentation, exchanging experiences and coming up with new solutions leads to an active audience. These are precisely the goals we want to achieve.
Questions whose answers we want to reach are: Who is the audience of cultural institutions today? In what way can the public become a partner? Who is responsible for audience development? How to attract and keep audiences? How to use the new tools available to communicate with the audience?
This information is particularly unfavorable when it comes to visiting museums or galleries, and the situation is particularly bad when it comes to people whose living conditions are insufficiently developed (low income, low education level). What it makes a little bit specific is the situation with the Museum is part of scientific-educational institution and when the audience are both the public and the peers.

They want to develop a program of \”lifelong learning for all\” through software packages and a segmented offer adapted to different generations, from the youngest to the oldest. (A concrete proposal: “A cup of tea”, where the visitors would, apart from visiting the exhibition, have the educational part that would be achieved through dialogue with the audience)
The result they want to achieve is:
development of the existing group of audience
the establishment of new groups of audience
This is achieved by the wide availability of our programs. Individuals and communities will be given the opportunity to experience, enjoy, evaluate and participate in creative work.
The benefit of applying the concept of audience development would have several aspects: cultural (inclusion of a greater number of audiences and education), economic (new sources of income), social (meeting of different cultural communities, inclusion of a greater number of audiences in public life, social activism, intercultural dialogue, development of empath).