Liepaja Creative Industry Cluster, Latvija

19.07.2016, Evropske mreže / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 5. oktober 2016


Liepaja Creative Industry Cluster is NGO, which connect creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, organisations and research and education institutions.
Creative Industry Cluster is active player in creative industries supporting and promotion in the Liepaja and Liepaja district.
More about organisation, its activities and future ambitions you can find here.


Atis Eglins-Eglitis


They are interested to be a partner in a project, which would:

– strengthen cultural and creative field workforce with specific skills and experience
– activitate cultural and creative workforce to cooperate internationally and establish sustainable cooperation network
– provide culture and creative industry promotion and discussion of new economic models and new working principles
– activitate (develop) new business model for culture and creative industry
– involve different stake holders and (politicians, decision makers, educators

Please find more about partnership proposal in the appendix.