LEC – New University of Lisbon, Portugalska

15.11.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 22. november 2019
LEC – LABORATÓRIO DE EXPERIMENTAÇÃO CÉNICA, New University of Lisbon is preparing a project in the fields of theatre, dance and performance. They are looking for theatres, universities, research centers and artistic work centers.


We are a research group involving artists and university professors, part of a research institute (ICNOVA) graded as excellent. For the last 3 years, we have invited the best masters for workshops on Clown Technique, Masks, Exploration of non theatrical spaces, Viewpoints, Body rhythms, Dalcroze methodology, Grotovsky ethics and methodology. Besides those workshops, our members carry on their own research sessions around the common objective of developing improvisation skills.


We want to share the skills we have worked on and learn new paths to develop our central focus: improvisation in theatre, dance and performance.
As final results we envision: 1) a presentation in several countries of work based on improvisation techniques 2) the edition of a kind of took kit with exercises and hints for all those aspiring to develop their improvisation capacities.

Kontakt: Paulo Filipe Monteiro, pfm@sapo.pt