La Rambleta

20.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Organizacija La Rambleta iz Španije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v projektu na interdisciplinarnem področju, ki vključuje tudi akustiko in video ter se osredotoča na mlade do 25 let.

Objectives of the project: to facilitate the emergence of new voices, new discourses and unique productions, promote the cultural, linguistic and cultural exchange between participating countries, highlighting the connections that can be created with a new, young audience that seeks a more accurate identification of themselves into scenic arts.

Activities: kick off meeting, residences, staff meetings, performances.

More in the appendix >>> LaRambleta.doc

Contact details:
La Rambleta
Santi de la Fuente