KOMA Bázis

28.08.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Projekt: BLOCKING by KOMAOrganizacija KOMA Bázis iz Madžarske išče partnerje in udeležence delavnice, ki bo januarja in februarja 2015 v Budimpešti organizirana kot del projekta na interdisciplinarnem področju (gledališče, arhitektura, urbanizem), in sicer na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

The KOMA Bázis´ aim is to enhance the bonds between the participants living in the 15th district of Budapest, to create a responsible and caring community through art tools, while coping with their everyday life obstacles and the wider social problems.
The workshop is part of the project, a site-specific community play, BLOCKING by KOMA, where the residents of the soviet panel blocks share their stories in the setting of this environment. Creating a discussion about the future of this environment, in several different contexts, such as culture, urban development, and education.

More in the appendix >>> KOMA.doc

Contact details:
e: imanagement@komabazis.hu
w: www.komabazis.org