Knjižnica Mirana Jarca

4.08.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Knjiga in prevodni projekti
Odgovori do četrtek, 2. oktober 2014
Knjižnica Mirana Jarca išče partnerje, se želi pridružiti projektu s področja literature, in na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja manjšega obsega podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

Miran Jarc Library in Novo mesto functions as the regional library for South East Slovenia. The library was founded in 1946 as a regional study library and currently operates both as a traditional library and as a multimedia information and cultural centre of the region. In addition to books, the adult readers department holds various cultural events, lectures, exhibitions, book club meetings, and prepares reading lists. Children and young people can take advantage of the rich collection of books, comics and magazines. The library organises a number of events for children, among them storytelling hours, workshops and other activities in connection with reading. It also participates in and organises international projects and professional meetings on library science.

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Contact details:
Anja Berus
T: 00386 7 393 46 74
Fax: 00386 7 393 46 01