14.02.2018, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 30. marec 2018

INSOCIALDYNAMICS is looking for partners, e.g. networks, institutes, enterprises from performing and visual arts and esp. from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, France, FYROM, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, and Spain, to cooperate in a European Cultural Creative Project. The project will focus on Street Art and set a network of 65 cities – European Capitals of Culture – until 2021.

Organizacija: INSOCIALDYNAMICS (Institute on Social Dynamics)

“The Institute on Social Dynamics” is a think tank on social dynamics. They analyze, study and propose solutions to social problems that hinder Social Dynamics. Their innovation is that they apply their proposals through specific projects in daily life, working continuously on improvements and new applications.

Projekt: European Cultural Creative Project (E2CP)

The E2CP is designed to exploit creative forms of Street Art as a tool that could help to increase the distinctiveness, uniqueness and attractiveness of city parts. Street art as a public art has an inherent storytelling ability that communicates with citizens and visitors.
In the context of the “European capital of culture initiative”, E2CP showcases cities’ cultural heritages through various creative features. Through the “European Creative Cultural Project”, these cultural features can be transformed into unique and irreplaceable product identities that can be used for city marketing and urban regeneration.
By capturing innovative frescoes in properly chosen public places, we intend to improve the international profile of cities, to enhance their image in the eyes of their own inhabitants and of visitors and to breathe new life into the cities’ culture.
The project will be implemented in 65 cities that will be proclaimed as European Capitals of Culture until 2021. It will be launched in the beginning of 2019 to last 3 years, and will be completed by the end of 2021 in Eleusis (Greece).

Kontakt: Mrs.Diamantakou Nikoletta
Institute on Social Dynamics, Address: 59 Panepistimiou str, 10674 Athens, Greece
T: +306974345720, +302103242427, W: