INNOVATE Ltd. (Open – Air FOTO festival)

14.05.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Organizacija INNOVATE Ltd. iz Češke išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu na področju fotografije, in sicer in sicer na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja manjšega obsega podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

The Open-air PHOTO Festival in Český Krumlov, organized by the company INNOVATE Ltd. from Prague, is looking for partners for the second year of the festival (5. – 7.June 2015). They want to establish an active partnership with organisations with the same vision, and to move forward in an application for the EU Creative Europe Projects.
The Europe-wide, unique programme concept of the festival interconnects extensive education (lectures and workshops), exhibitions, meetings of important  personalities and experts from the world of photography with the wide public, work with photo equipment, and unique photo experiences.

More in the appendix >>>

Contact details:
Open – Air PHOTO festival (INNOVATE Ltd.)
Martina Ptáčková
Tel.: + 420 777 931 506, +420 725 377 704