Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival, Češka

5.08.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 2. september 2019
Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival is searching for a cooperation project consisting of festivals/carnivals, which aim at bringing together various professional, social and, age groups and which strive to reflect pressing political/social issues, ideally through satire and art. They are interested in artist exchanges (various art forms – visual arts and music) and youth target groups (elementary–high-school).


The Velvet Carnival is a masked satirical parade of NGOs and civic groups, which strives to reanimate the way events of the so-called Velvet Revolution of 17 November 1989 (fall of the communist regime in former Czechoslovakia) are remembered and commemorated. The participants embody pressing social and political issues by using oversized masks, allegorical constructions and satirical pamphlets. The satirical approach and the language of theatre allow us to look at complex societal issues from a point of view that we often do not have access to in our everyday lives. The Velvet Carnival procession comprises up to 500 active participants and as much as 13 initiatives. 2019 will be its eighth season.


We are searching for festivals/carnivals, which aim at bringing together various professional, social and age groups and which strive to reflect pressing political/social issues, ideally through satire and art. We are interested in exchanges of artists (mixed art forms – visual arts and music) and youth groups (elementary–high-school). We also offer academic co-operation with the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy (Charles University, Prague).

Objectives: To facilitate artistic and academic collaboration between project partners; to set-up artistic and youth exchange programmes.
Activities: Project development; politically engaged festivals, artistic and cultural exchanges; art (visual, musical) workshops reflecting on basic principles of liberal democracies.

Kontakt: Olga V. Cieslarová – manager (E:
Iniciativa Fór_um, T: 00420 773 196 619, W: