5.05.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do nedelja, 9. marec 2025
Projekt: Superdiversity and the gaze of youngstersOrganizacija HETPALEIS iz Belgije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu »Superdiversity and the gaze of youngsters» na področju gledališča, s poudarkom vključevanja otrok in mladostnikov.

HETPALEIS is a theatre for children, youngsters and artists in the heart of Antwerp. We produce theatre, dance and music theatre for all ages, for the big and the small stage.

In the cities of the 21st Century, minorities are becoming the majority. Ethnical-cultural diversity is becoming more and more important. Migration changes and challenges our society; it evokes uncertainty and resistance, but at the same time it has an enormous potential for talent development, dialogue and openness.
How do children and youngsters deal with this ever changing reality? Which stories do they tell about their background, and how do they deal with difference, conflict and change? What is the voice of this new majority? And on top of that: what can adults learn, in this case, from children?
In this project we want to start an exchange between different performing arts organizations that have their focus on children and youngsters and that explicitly relate to the city and the society. We set up a trajectory of exchange in which a group of youngsters and an artist from every city works on a performance in which they give sense to their personal relation to the reality of superdiversity. The final result is a performance that starts form personal stories to talk about what is probably the most important reality in today’s society.

Contact details:
Tom Rummens
T: +32 492 918 805, e: tom.rummens@hetpaleis.be