General Foundation of the University of Valencia (ES)

23.01.2013, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do nedelja, 30. junij 2013
Področja dela: kultura (glasba, gledališče, kiparstvo), Evropski dokumentacijski center, zaposlovanje, univerza za 3. življensko obdobje ...

General Foundation of the University of Valencia, a Spanish foundation, whose main scope is to cooperate in the accomplishment of the targets of the University of Valencia, is implementing cultural projects and is interested to carry out projects with European partners, promoting cultural exchange.

Main activities of the Foundation are: culture (musical activities, theatre, plastic arts), European Documentation Centre, employment, cooperation, disabled community, International centre of Gandia (senior citizens university).
See the description below (in the attachment).

We are searching a national cultural institution that develops activities related to the General Foundation’s fields (please find attached a brief description of the General Foundation’s activities) and is planning on presenting a European proposal within the Culture Programme.

Finally, if you would like more information on General Foundation of the University of Valencia, do not hesitate to contact us.

Paula Iranzo
(0034) 96 398 36 19