Fundación Caja de Burgos (Španija)

11.12.2014, Evropske platforme / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do četrtek, 26. februar 2015
Projekt: Evropske platforme (razpis 2015)Španska fundacija Caja de Burgos išče partnerje za sodelovanje na razpisu za Evropske platforme za leto 2015 (razpisni rok: 25. feb. 2015).

Caja de Burgos was a savings bank of Spain located in the city of Burgos. In 2012, lost their financial business and had to become a foundation. As foundation has continued social and cultural/artistic work he had already done as a savings bank in the frame of his “social department”. Their mission is to improve the economic and social development of the Burgos province. Their policy areas: social, culture and art, education and research.

The activities carried out in the context of art and culture are intended to extend the art and culture to the entire population, to support young artists, to develop innovative approaches and experiences and to preserve the cultural and historical heritage.
The Foundation manages several cultural centers and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Burgos.
All the activities carried out by the Foundation are developed following quality standards and environmental criteria.
The foundation has an annual budget of 13,5 million euros and a staff of 180 people.

– Performing arts (theatre, music, dance)
– Visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, digital arts, film, video)

Beyond the objectives of the program (European Platforms) and the promotion and development of new talents, Fundación Caja de Burgos, through the participation in European networks and platforms, seeks to develop innovative proposals through the exchange of experiences and best practices.
The ultimate goal is participation in a permanent European network to facilitate the development of innovative actions for the promotion of art and culture in general and visual and performing arts in particular.


Javier Gómez
T: +34686458448