Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade

30.06.2009, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sobota, 31. oktober 2009
Projekt: Cooperation project (Strand 1.2.1.)

The Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade wishes to participate as partner in cooperation project (Strand 1.2.1.). They are looking for innovative Interdisciplinary projects and projects in the field of Cultural Heritage. Their main objective is to promote shared European cultural heritage and enhance the performance of our collections through the exchange of ideas between cultural institutions.

The Ethnographic museum in Belgrade (founded in 1901) belongs to the most prominent institutions of cultural and national history of Serbia and it is the oldest institution of the kind in the South-East Europe. The Ethnographic museum collects, preserves, stores, researches and presents the wide range of objects of traditional folk culture of Serbia, as well as from other parts of former Yugoslavia and the Balkans, Europe and Non-European countries, covering the period of 19th and 20th century. The funds consist of various items: folk costumes and traits, jewelry, agriculture and cattle-breeding, hunting and fishery, crafts (pottery, textile etc.), household, folk architecture, religious and customs-related objects, objects of folk arts.

Kontakt: Mrs Mirjana Menković,Vanja Balaša,
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Studentski trg 13, Belgrade E:,
W:, T: ++381 11 3281-206