El Arsenal

17.09.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
El Arsenal iz Španije išče partnerje (kulturni centri, univerze), ki bi želeli sodelovati v interdisciplinarnem projektu (ples, literatura, glasba, slikarstvo, AV) na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

The main aim of the project consists in building a net of research and experimental works from the art creation in urban places. These places have being damaged by the current economic events. Therefore, art creation is producing works from the social and political settings which affect Europe nowadays.

El Arsenal is looking for partners to work with innovation art on the new ways of expression, on the influence of power in cities and bodies, and on the new configuration and settings of art creation.

More in the appendix >>> ElArsenal-ES.doc

Contact details:
El Arsenal
e: elarsenaldechinales@gmail.com
w: http://elarsenaldechinales.blogspot.com.es/