Eiva Arts Foundation, Armenija

20.06.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do torek, 1. oktober 2019
Eiva Arts Foundation would like to cooperate in a project as a partner in which they would like to popularize European art through gamification.


We at Eiva Arts Foundation are involved in developing creative educational projects that aim at educating art to children and youngsters through gamified approach and digital innovation. Through our artistic educational programs that include working with local and international artists on contemporary art installations, exhibitions, elaboration of visually attractive online and printed resources, we aim to reach out to children, youth and vulnerable groups of the society (refugees, poor, and women) and bring a change.

Projekt: Education through art

We would like to introduce the European dimension to our programs by popularizing European art through gamification and work together with partners to introduce this gamified approach to school programs and/or afterschool curriculum. We are open to new and creative approaches and would like to work together with partners on creating attractive workshops, art installations, organizing practice-based art days and mini-festivals for children and youth that popularize art, as well as culture, architecture, music and make learning experience attractive, fun and memorable for them.

See example of a project ARVEST (.pdf), a card game + book dedicated to 12 Armenian outstanding artists and their most famous artworks offering a meaningful game play for children of different age groups.

Kontakt: Gayane Ayvazyan
E: gayane.ayvazyan@gmail.com, www.eiva.am