East Slovak Gallery

6.02.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do sreda, 5. marec 2014
Projekt: Košice ModernismEast Slovak Gallery (Východoslovenská galéria) iz Slovaške išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati pri projektu sodelovanja manjšega obsega »Košice Modernism« na področju vizualnih umetnosti.

Košice modernism” is the newest project of East Slovak Gallery which tries to present the 1920 th art in Košice. It belongs to one of the most important period of art.

The project wants to emphasize the creative connection with other avantgarde European Art Centres and Re-build their international communication. One of the main idea of this project is to put artistic-historical period of Košice modernism into European context and at the same time to develop creative cooperation with international partners that can enrich the current East Slovak Gallery.

In this context, we take you with cooperation on this project, this collaboration can take the form of:
– workshops, 
– exhibitions,
– presentations, 
– lectures.

More in the appendix >>> Kosice-modernism.pdf

Contact details:
Valér Bakajsa
East Slovak Gallery, Main Street 27, 040 01 Košice
e: projekty@vsg.sk, T. + 421 918 870 531