Donostia Kultura

15.09.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Knjiga in prevodni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Projekt: Other wordsDonostia Kultura iz Španije išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v projektu »Other words« na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra. Projekt se osredotoča na manjšinske jezike v EU.

The aim of the «Other words» project is to help people to discover diversity of minority languages, i. e. by introducing literature written in minority languages, by promoting literary creation and by sharing experiences from different territories.
The essence of the project is to create a European circuit of creative placements for writers in minority or small languages, through a partner network in which the countries where those languages are spoken take part.
The programme will be held between 2015 and 2019 and will bring together people who work in the field of small and minority languages literature. This programme consists of four key components: the placements, the literary creation projects, the translations, and the digital publication of the texts online.

Donostia Kultura aims to establish culture as one of the foremost tools for developing and promoting the city. It oversees a wide range of municipal amenities and services, as well as arranging events across all cultural disciplines, organising festivals and, above all, promoting new cultural platforms in the city, combining public initiatives with private ones. The «Other words» project is being jointly organised by Donostia Kultura and the Donostia 2016 foundation that is in charge of the San Sebastian European Capital of Culture 2016 (

More in the appendix >>> Other-words.doc

Contact details:
Donostia Kultura, w: