Department of Culture and Tourism of Khmelnytsky City Council, Ukrajina

9.01.2018, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do petek, 12. januar 2018

Department of Culture and Tourism of Khmelnytsky City Council is looking for partners to cooperate in the project «BruhtART – Waste-to-Art», that includes exhibitions, workshops, organizing artistic installations, giving performances and providing other activities in order to implement Waste-to-Art concept.

Organizacija: Department of Culture and Tourism of Khmelnytsky City Council

The Department of Culture and Tourism actively works on the development and implementation of the city cultural sphere strategic development program, providing quality and accessible cultural and educational services to the population, organization of meaningful cultural and artistic leisure of city dwellers, preservation and popularization of historical and cultural heritage, folk traditions, the development of libraries and museums, tourism.

Liliia Kurii, ki je v okviru Khmelnytsky City Council odgovorna za razvojne in investicijske projekte, je bila oktobra v Sloveniji v okviru študijskega obiska Onkraj horizontov: fokus Ukrajina.

Projekt: BruhtART – Waste-to-Art

The purpose of international art-festival BruhtART (slogan: Waste-to-ART) is to develop urban sculpture and culture on national and international levels. At the same time, it suggests a renovated cultural image of young Khmelnytskyi city in a context of European culture. The slogan of this festival Waste-to-ART correlates with the modern trend waste-to-energy or energy-from-waste, which is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste. If WtE is a form of energy recovery, WtA is a form of cultural energy recovery.

Za več glej tukaj(.doc).

They would like to cooperate with cultural institutions, sculptors, and designers related to the topic of designing and craft, ready to take an active part in the project (exhibitions, workshops, artistic installations, performances).

Kontakt: Lesya Herasymchuk
T: + 380966068690, E:
Olena Mykhailovska, E: