The Danish Arts Council, Danska

3.09.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 1. oktober 2019
The Danish Arts Council is looking for partners from France, Spain and Italy, i.e. organizations with an interest in and connections to the area of art-education. They are looking for schools with an artistic profile or focus and schoolteachers who are interested in participating in the workshops.


The Danish Arts Council is an interdisciplinary organization for the professional artists organizations in Denmark. The Danish Arts Council take care of cultural and political matters, including the professional artists interests in political, judicial, economic and social contexts.


This project offers cultural partnerships and exchange between artist and teachers within the EU.
The vision of this project is to create a meeting between different cultures within art-education to create a platform for cooperation, development and inspiration between teachers and artist from 4 countries in the EU.

By strengthening the mobility between teachers and artists in the EU, the identity of the culture in art education becomes richer and generates a stronger network for renewable and successful educational collaborations in the EU.

The main focus of the project is to discuss art education and to provide new knowledge through two different workshops which questions how the art disciplines can be approached within the practice of teaching. The goal is to find common democratic values and qualities through artistic methods and strategies which gives teachers and artists new ability to reach all young school students in a way, that gives them more relevant experiences with art. In order to work actively with the aspect of democratic values and cultural exchanges, the partners involved (among others Efterskoleforeningen) offers different and new educational cultures.

In practice the project launches 8 workshops over a period of 2 years covering two major themes.
Theme 1. Guided tour, presentations and discussions based on the art field and the education culture within the host country. Theme 2: Development of artistic teaching-designs.

All of the eight workshops will take place on schools in four different European countries. Participating schools and teachers should be willing to host 2 workshops over the period of two years. In order to embrace the volume of artistic organizations at The Danish Art Council, the project operates with the art fields of contemporary art, music and drama.
The four participating countries should provide three different schools with a focus on contemporary art, music and drama.

Partners currently involved in the project: Efterskoleforeningen, Denmark (part with 3 danish ”efterskoler”), Ars Baltica Team, Germany, DKI, Riga, Latvia (Part with Music School) and Croatian Umbrella organization for artists.

Kontakt: Anne-Mette Wehmüller (Head of Secretariat)
Dansk Kunstnerråd, Hillerødgade 30a, 1.sal, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark
T: +45 21 34 00 00, E: