Cultural Assotiation ARTISTAS Y, Španija

27.05.2021, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 31. december 2021
Theater company “ARTISTAS Y.” is looking for projects related to the modernization of the performing arts, promoting strategies and activities for the use of new technologies in the production, dissemination and distribution processes. They have experience in cooperating with European organizations and events, and also good connections within the Ibero-American market.

Organization: ARTISTAS Y. is a theater company that also organizes CIRULAR, an Ibero-American theater meeting in Madrid. Circular contribute to publicize the new Ibero-American theatre production in Madrid through staging, dramatized readings and other parallel activities.

CIRCULAR is also a commitment to the modernization of the performing arts, promoting strategies and activities for the use of New Technologies in the production, dissemination and distribution processes.

Our goal is to position CIRCULAR as one of the main references for Ibero-American theater creation in Spain and Europe.

Contact: Mr. Lidio Sánchez
Cultural Assotiation ARTISTAS Y.