City of Šabac, Srbija

24.07.2018, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sobota, 1. december 2018

The City Council of the City of Šabac is looking for partners to create a small-scale cooperation project, or to join an existing project in the fields of cultural heritage, oral history, involuntary migration, VR and AR and audience development. Potential partners include museums, cultural centres, history institutes, municipalities, etc. with experience in the mentioned fields.

Organizacija: City of Šabac

The City of Šabac in Serbia is known for its rich cultural history, especially during the end of 19th century. The city government possesses significant experience in realising cultural projects on the national level, among which the most important is the project Eureka! Otkrili smo Šabac / Eureka! We discovered Sabac and the recognition Grad u fokusu / City in focus we received for the mentioned project in 2016. The recognition is manifested through support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of RS in terms of decentralising cultural life and strengthening capacities of local self-governments in the field of culture. Project Еureka! Otkrili smo Šabac is still ongoing and has the aim to redefine the cultural offer of the city, develop new business models in culture, and also support the mobility of artists. A part of the project is also related to interpreting cultural heritage of the local community. In terms of infrastructural activities within the project, what has been done so far is the renewal of the former synagogue where the Museum of Šabac Jews will be established.


Šabac had a significant Jewish population before WWII. They were very important for the overall development of the community. They all died during the Holocaust. To preserve memories of them and tragic events, City authorities decided at the end of 2015 to purchase the building of the former Synagogue, which was abandoned and devastated. We envisage Jewish Museum Šabac as a modern cultural institution. Not just a place preserving material heritage, but more likely a place for meetings and dialogue, a cultural and educational centre. We have organized numerous programmes, concerts, panel discussions, lectures, and conferences promoting openness and tolerance. Even though we do not have a defined project idea, we want to participate in a project that would deal with involuntary migration with partners from territories which had a similar history or who are facing a similar situation today. We are also interested in all projects oriented toward audience development, especially those targeting the youngest population in order to prevent any xenophobic attitudes. Projects which are based on interpretation of heritage throughout contemporary arts, especially visual arts and exchange of artists.

Za več glej priponko (.pdf).

Kontakt: Igor Marsenic (City Council member)
T: +381 60 3384865, E:
W:, Wikipedia