CEPAM, Portugalska

28.10.2019, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do petek, 8. november 2019
Conservatório - Escola das Artes Engº Luiz Peter Clode (CEPAM) is looking for partners, e.g. schools or institutions promoting educational concerts with orchestra from preferably Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, France, Netherland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, to cooperate in the project I COM - Involving Children in Orchestral Music.


The Conservatório – Professional School of Arts of Madeira, Engº Luiz Peter Clode, is the only institution in the Autonomous Region of Madeira that provides accredited training at a professional Level IV in the areas of Music, Theater and Dance, and awards double certification (secondary and vocational education). It is an art school that always showed relevant skills in the area of student mobility, thanks to the contacts that had established over the years with other similar European institutions. These contacts had created easy access to partnerships allowing both – sent and received graduates – greatly enhanced gains from other realities and challenges from other artistic areas.

Projekt: I COM – Involving Children in Orchestral Music.
Preservation of Europe’s cultural and local heritage through training in orchestral music.

The canon’s orchestral music was mostly made for adults and at a time when music was rare. The classical orchestra is a musical formation that allowed the creation of some of the most relevant musical works in the history of mankind. Created by European musicians, the orchestra has been spread all over the world and is currently on every continent. Despite its relevance to the history of world music, in recent decades, the orchestral music audience has aged and this type of grouping has been removed from younger audiences. “What can be done about the state of classical music?” Lawrence Kramer asks in his elegant, sharply observed, and beautifully written extended essay “Why Classical Music Still Matters”.

That’s what we’ll try to answer to the new generations, considering that a relevant part of the orchestral repertoire was composed for an adult audience. This project intends to create, in partnership with other organizations, a set of orchestral works dedicated to children and youth, in order to bring this age groups closer to instruments of orchestra and orchestral music. In addition, a set of teaching tools will be created to attract young people to music and the rich European cultural heritage.

Več informacij v priponki (.pdf).

Kontakt: Paulo Esteireiro, Project Development Manager (paulo.esteireiro@madeira.gov.pt)
Conservatório – Escola Profissional das Artes da Madeira
Travessa do Nogueira, 11 – 9050-451 Funchal
T: +351 291 20 30 50
W (CEPAM): www.conservatorioescoladasartes.com, W (SRE): www.madeira.gov.pt/sre, Facebook