Centre Socioculturel de la Blaiserie

12.12.2013, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sobota, 31. maj 2014
Projekt: Festival ulične umetnosti "A l'Ouest"Festival ulične umetnosti iz Francije išče sorodne organizacije za sodelovanje na njihovem festivalu v letu 2014.

“A l’Ouest” is a street arts festival organized in the neighborhood of Poitiers Ouest by the community center of la Blaiserie. More than regular cultural events, residents wanted to organize a federative and festive event in their neighborhood. This is how the first edition of the festival was organized in 2008 in collaboration with local residents, associations, volunteers and artists.Taking artistic creations closer to people, this festival aims to promote access to culture of quality for all and to encourage encounters between artists and local residents.

The 2014 edition will take place from June 18th to June 22th all around the Poitiers Ouest area and its theme will be “Ici et d’ailleurs” (Here and from abroad). We are looking for organizations linked with street arts and willing to participate in this festival.

KONTAKT: Anne Gobin
Centre Socioculturel de la Blaiserie
Naslov: rue des Frères Montgolfier, 86000 POITIERS, FRANCE
Telefon: +33 (0) 549580552
Email: culture@csclablaiserie-csc86.org
Web: http://lablaiserie.centres-sociaux.fr/

Objavljeno: 19. nov. 2013