Centre for Art Education – the Gorzow Philharmonic

31.03.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 1. oktober 2014
Centre for Art Education – the Gorzow Philharmonic iz Poljske išče partnerje za sodelovanje pri skupnem projektu na interdisciplinarnem področju in/ali uprizoritvenih oziroma vizualnih umetnostih, in sicer na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja podprograma Kultura (Ustvarjalna Evropa).

The Centre for Art Education – the Gorzow Philharmonic (Poland) is looking for partners interested to cooperate in the field of interdisciplinary, music, visual and performing arts. We are looking for partners in the 2014 Calls for the Culture Sub-programme, preferably in the Call for European Cooperation projects. We are very skilled in organizing concerts, workshops, producing CD’s/DVD’s.

Objectives of our possible projects:
– cultural exchange, broaden the participants’ horizon,
– exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of art education and audience development,
– promote young artists, circulation of their works,
– creation of spectacular events based on innovative solutions with using of new media.

If you are interested in collaborating, please contact us.

Contact details:
Joanna Pisarewicz
e: Joanna.pisarewicz@filharmoniagorzowska.pl, T: +48957392728, M: 508120551
Izabela Grygiel-Guła
e: Izabela.grygiel@filharmoniagorzowska.pl, T: +48957392701