Carioca Studio

6.02.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do sreda, 5. marec 2014
Projekt: MomentOrganizacija Carioca Studio iz Romunije išče partnerje (umetnike, producente, kulturne menedžerje iz nevladnih organizacij), ki bi želeli sodelovati pri projektu »Moment« na področju fotografije.

The project aims at researching, documenting and creating a series of photos regarding a particular moment in the history of several countries in the EU. Each partner will question the public in their country regarding the most iconic and important moment in the history of their own country. This process will take place on an Internet platfom, specially made for the project. The project aims at finding the key moments, recreating them and taking professional pictures that will be exhibited.

If you have a participation proposal and you wish to take part in the upcoming project, please send us the bio of the artist you nominate at the adress

We are hoping to work with you!

9 February 2014 – deadline for submitting proposals
11 February 2014 – deadline for selecting proposals

More in the appendix >>> Carioca_Studio .doc

Contact details:
Carioca Studio
Andreea Chindris, e: