Brno House of Arts

23.06.2014, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do četrtek, 2. oktober 2014
Projekt: GREY GOLDOrganizacija Brno House of Arts iz Češke išče partnerje, ki bi želeli sodelovati v skupnem projektu na področju vizualnih umetnosti, in sicer in sicer na razpisu za projekte sodelovanja manjšega obsega podprograma Kultura, ki bo zaključen 1. oktobra.

The Brno House of Arts is a contributory organization of the statutory City of Brno. Although its current focus is primarily on contemporary art, it has been an integral part of Brno’s cultural life for almost 100 years.
They are looking for partners who will cooperate on setting up the accompanying programmes for the exhibition. These should explore innovative ways to get the broader public involved in the discussion and get the audience more familiar with the subject matter of the project.
Brno House of Arts has already participated in the previous EU Culture programme. 

More in the appnedix >>>

Contact details:
Brno House of Arts
Terezie Petišková (Director)
T (00420) 515 917 555, 731 656 869