AYE Cultura Social S.COOP, Španija

13.04.2021, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do četrtek, 30. december 2021
AYE Cultura Social S.COOP would like to participate as a partner in a cooperation project. They combine artistic and social work, transcending the merely exhibiting character of the performing arts. Field of interest: performing arts, social arts, education, community, diversity, social theater, visual theater, intercultural dialogue and social integration, audience development, youth theater.

Aye Cultura Social combines artistic and social work, transcending the merely exhibiting character of the performing arts. Founded in 2011 by Susan Ríos (Chile) and Fran Ros (Spain). The company has shown its work in several Autonomous Communities of Spain and in a total of 10 countries.

FormAction: Courses, workshops, management, dynamisations and participatory actions.
Community: Socio-educational processes and medium and long-term initiatives in specific territories and populations.
Creations: Shows, artistic-technical direction services and creations in different formats.

Contact: Murcia (Spain), T: +34 659793347 / +34 699564965
W: www.ayeculturasocial.com
E: info@ayeculturasocial.com
f: https://www.facebook.com/ayeCulturaSocial
t: @ayeCulturaS
I: @Aye_Cultura_Social