Associazione Eta Beta Onlus

13.02.2007, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do sreda, 28. februar 2007
Projekt: Little buildings for civil and religious servicesThis is a very present typology of material cultural heritage which have less protection than other more important building (churches, palazzi, castles, gardens, etc.).

Their importance have to make both with landscape organization and local craft traditions and with economical and social organization of the contrysides.
Ideal relations could be finde with tabernacles of Bretagne (France), windmills in some regions of Spain, litte rupestrian churches is balcan region and Greece, but exemples could be found better from local researchers wich know best a particular area. In program we have some forum (one for each partner of organization country) on the state of art in conservation methods of rural service building with particular implications on national and comunitarian legacy inherent this kind of buildings, best practices of restauration, data collecting and processing, geographical binding of thematic informations on cultural items, etc.).
These forums should be followed by concrete actions of restauration on some little traditional structures. These would be also good occasions to train students, volunteers and junior expertise personal involved in these kind of restauration projects. Not last is exchange of field experience by operators and senior experts, working normally on local or very local projects, with a little eye on cooperation with other European regions and networks. Other ideas which don’t distract the aim of the project are obviously welcome.

Kontakt: Alessandro Casoli Associazione
Eta Beta Onlus, via Lorenzoni 15, 50051 Castelfiorentino, Italy
T: +39 340 3708668