Asociación Cultural Cinefilia

5.04.2013, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Vizualne umetnosti
Odgovori do sreda, 8. maj 2013
Španska organizacija išče partnerje za QR Art Festival.Španska organizacija Cinefilia želi prijaviti na razpis za sodelovanje s 3. državami za leto 2013 umetniški festival na temo QR kod. Išče evropske partnerje, ki jih to področje zanima in se ukvarjajo s povezovanjem umetnosti in tehnologije.

“Cinefilia” is an association with an extensive experience in organizing cultural events.

The QR Art Festival is an event that brings together art and technology, and aims to support use of QR codes as a canvas on which to create cutting-edge interactive artistic creations. Through exhibitions, competitions, lectures, workshops, games, development of software, and more, their aim is to explore the possibilities of this format which allows us to link the real world with the Internet, or transmit any information to an electronic device. The QR Art Festival is an event committed to our society: its different sections focus on the transmission of content with a high social emphasis.

They are looking for European partners with:
1.    Knowledge of the operation and profits of QR codes.
2.    Experience in the exhibition, outreach and research in the field of cutting-edge arts and/or culture.
3.    Knowledge of the Internet resources and their contribution towards humanity.
4.    To host certain activities of this event in its territory, providing the necessary infrastructure, both in terms of adequate space and human resources, and the necessary publicity and media coverage in order to reach a large segment of the citizenship.

You can find all the information in their project web (English version available):


Asociación Cultural Cinefilia
Plaza del Concejo, s/n
Centro Cívico, 4ª planta
19001 Guadalajara
Tel.: +34 949 23 09 37
GSM: +34 669 46 44 36

Objavljeno: 26. 3. 2013