Artistico Cultural Con Salero, Španija

16.03.2021, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 1. junij 2021
Con Salero would like to take part in cooperation project as s partner, related to: community and participatory creative processes; cultural and artistic mediation; audiovisual technology, capacity building; audiovisual creation; cultural heritage recovery; cultural and artistic audience development; Education. Related fields: Visual arts; audiovisual; cinema; cultural heritage; mediation; events; education.

1. Promote culture and arts through collective creation emphasizing the use of audiovisual format as a social transformation and integration tool.
2. Promote transmission of technical knowledge among communities.
3. Promote artistic, musical and audiovisual event organization.

Contact: Luis Lanchares
Asoc. Artistico Cultural Con Salero