AGIS Lazio–Unione regionale Agis del Lazio

4.10.2007, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Ostalo
Odgovori do sreda, 31. oktober 2007
Projekt: The Mediterranean womanAGIS Lazio, General Italian Association of Performing Arts, is looking for co-organizers to participate in their multi-annual cooperation project The Mediterranean woman.

This 4-year project aims at reconstructing some distinctive features related to a Mediterranean woman model. The project would analyse female models developed in every partner country to highlight analogies and differences among such models aiming at reconstructing a model (or several models) of Mediterranean woman. In particular, the project is based on an inter-disciplinary research, study and critical arrangement of the materials to produce information, data and necessary elements to study one (or more) Mediterranean woman model(s).

Kontakt: Giovanni Stefanelli
Ufficio Progetti Europei AGIS Lazio, via Vicenza 5/a, 00185 Roma, Italy
T: 0039 06 4451290 int. 225, M: 0039 340 2967462, E: