A joint venture of Maltese, French and Tunisian organisations

2.04.2009, Program Kultura (2007-2013) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do petek, 1. maj 2009
Cultural Cooperation projects with Third Countries focused on cultural heritage

A joint venture of Maltese, French and Tunisian organisations is looking for European cultural organisations, museums, universities, companies focused on cultural heritage and conservation to join the project focusing on the preservation and revival of European and Tunisian disappearing crafts.
Techniques such as the art of marmisti and the production of ornamental tiles, will be studied, explored in their historical and artistic value and then revived through the arrangement of industrial solutions able to save this fading knowledge and to revive it in the contemporary world.
The outcome of the project will be the creation of an innovative market branch that can create new working opportunities.

Kontakt: Mr. Laurent Muller
E: laurent888@gmail.com