PEN Català, Španija

8.04.2022, Projekti sodelovanja / Knjiga in prevodni projekti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 18. april 2022
PEN Català, Foundation of Literature and witters from the Catalan–speaking territories is looking for projects related to Literature and diversity, freedom of expression, refugee artists and writers, literary residencies, translation, etc.

NEO ART, Romunija

1.04.2022, Projekti sodelovanja / Arhitektura, oblikovanje in uporabne umetnosti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 11. april 2022
They are looking for a cultural organization that has experience in implementing European cooperation projects and can provide know-how, and also has experience in the cultural fields, networks and platforms. They are also interested in participating as a partner in other small or medium projects.

Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, Poland

1.03.2022, Projekti sodelovanja (srednji) / Kulturna dediščina
Odgovori do torek, 15. marec 2022
The Regional Museum in Rzeszów (project leader/ medium scale COOP) is looking for partners in the areas of cultural heritage projects & digital solutions for museums. The main goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of cultural institutions to implement a digital layer using virtual and augmented reality to enhance the experience of visiting a museum. The project intends to develop an implementation guide for the AR/VR layer in the museum with its pilot implementation.