Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival, Češka

5.08.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 2. september 2019
Iniciativa Fór_um/Velvet Carnival is searching for a cooperation project consisting of festivals/carnivals, which aim at bringing together various professional, social and, age groups and which strive to reflect pressing political/social issues, ideally through satire and art. They are interested in artist exchanges (various art forms – visual arts and music) and youth target groups (elementary–high-school).

Azarte, Španija

5.08.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do ponedeljek, 2. september 2019
Azarte is looking for performance venues, cultural centres, training centres, universities, festivals, networks/associations of cultural sector professionals … willing either to co-develop or to test and use the CULTPLAT platform to organize productions, share professional profiles of artists and other participants, or participate in capacitation, networking and demonstration activities.