THEAMA, Grčija

2.04.2021, Projekti sodelovanja / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sobota, 1. maj 2021
THEAMA is open to participate as partner to any Creative Europe project that tackles issues of equal, inclusive and accessible approach for all social groups, particular disadvantaged and marginalized. THEAMA is experienced in the Creative Europe programme.

Aims and activities of the organisation:
Inclusive approach to performing arts, equal representation of disabled performers/art workers, accessibility to structures and content of cultural activities.

Previous EU grants received:
1. Inclusive Theater(s) Project ID:607353 Call: EACEA-34-2018 Program: CREA
2. POWER Project ID:597426, Call CREA-1-2018-1-ITCULT-COOP1

Contact: Maria Dragatakis – Project Coordinator,
THEAMA – Inclusive Theater for the Disabled Theatro Atomon me Anapiria