7Arte, Kosovo

10.01.2020, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do torek, 10. marec 2020
7 Arte is looking for partners, e.g. alternative cultural centers, green festivals, non-formal education program on arts, creativity, innovation and esp. from Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Sweden, to cooperate in a project related to skills development with focus on on creativity and arts.


7Arte was established on May 03, 2006 by a group of local artists in Mitrovica, Kosovo. With 13 years of experience, 7Arte plays the role of a cultural alternative center by organizing multidisciplinary cultural activities such as: audio-visual workshops, music festivals, outdoor screening, street art, poetry nights, crafts fair, exchange programs and education programs, peace building and environmental actions.

7Arte’s main goal is supporting Kosovar artists; promoting and developing a common European culture.

Our strategic goals focus on four pillars: 1. Sustainable development of the Mitrovica region; 2. Empowering youth in the Mitrovica region; and 3. Protection and promotion of cultural-artistic values.

7Arte involves and encourage women to be active in many initiatives and programs; an organisation that includes environmental component, strive revitalization of abandoned buildings and change the local cultural politics.


7Arte during its working years has implemented many projects on which it has included environmental and cultural components in order to give a strong message to the community and to increase the awareness of environmental protection through audio-visual workshops, music festivals, outdoor screening, street art, poetry nights, crafts fair and so on.

The main project in this field is “Green Festival” which is organized for the ninth edition. The main goal of the “Green Festival” is to raise the public awareness on environmental protection and conservation, calm down the tense situation in Mitrovica, and improve the interethnic-cultural life in the northern part of Kosovo.

Recently we are working a on project “Civic-Public Partnership for Innovative Governance of Public Infrastructure in Peja, Prizren and Mitrovica” supported by European Union Office in Kosovo via Europe Aid through the program “Support to CSO Partnerships and Networks”. The overall objective of the action is to strengthen the role of the local CSOs and cultural actors in managing public infrastructure and cooperating with local governments for inclusive and sustainable use of public infrastructure, policies and finance

7Arte is looking forward to revitalize abounded ex-industrial buildings and turn them into social hubs for education and practical works/services that would raise employment of the youth and make a base for sustainable development.

On the other hand, 7 Arte initiated the establishment and plays the role of the secretariat of “RROK Mitrovica” – a network of 17 small Cultural Organizations of Mitrovica with the purpose of strengthening economic development by empowering cultural activities and creative industry. RROK is working toward development of cultural policies especially developing the Cultural Strategy for Mitrovica Municipality and expanding cooperation in regional and international level.

7Arte is full and associate member of the following European networks: NISI MASA – European Network of Young Cinema, TEH – Trans Europe Halles, YEE – Youth and Environment Europe.

Partners currently involved in the project: Anibar (XK), Lumbardhi Foundation (XK), Pogon (HR).

7 Arte, Sheshi Mehe Uka, Biblioteka e qytetit, kati VI
Mitrovicë, 40000 Republic of Kosovo
E: info@7-arte.org, T: +383(0)38 748 861, Viber: +383 49 211771, W : www.7-arte.org