Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association (ACGR), Romunija

21.10.2019, Projekti sodelovanja / Interdisciplinarni projekti
Odgovori do sreda, 20. november 2019
The “Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association”, a non-profit cultural organization from Constanta, is open for collaboration as partner in transnational cooperation projects in the field of culture and education.


Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association is a non-profit cultural organization from Constanta – Romania, which has as its stated purpose the initiation, development and implementation through legal means and through specific activities of cultural, artistic, educational, social, environmental and cultural projects and activities for youth.

In the specific activity, Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association aims at:
a) promoting and encouraging the development of folk culture, art, customs and traditions, the Romanian material and immaterial heritage by organizing events or other specific activities at local, national and international level (cultural events, productions, performances, festivals, concerts, symposiums, editorial projects, making digital prints, films or other documentary material, clips, artistic films, promotional activities, advertising, marketing, PR etc);
b) promotion of Romanian cultural values for integration in the European and world cultural and artistic environment, including through artistic imprint activities;
c) improving inter-ethnic relations, respecting ethnic, cultural, religious and gender identity;
d) a better recognition of Romania’s image inside and outside the borders, by organizing specific events;
e) facilitating broader access to culture for all audiences and identifying and activating new audiences;
f) initiating and carrying out social, educational, environmental, youth or community actions;
g) supporting disadvantaged groups through activities designed to contribute to the improvement of their material and spiritual life;
h) organization of cultural and artistic manifestations in order to attract funds necessary to achieve the purpose and objectives of the association.

In its projects, Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association organized activities in the area of theater, music, visual arts, choreography, film, cultural education, traditions, heritage, etc.

In the projects developed, the Georgiana Rusu Cultural Association has collaborated with partners from various areas (culture, local and regional public administration units, education, science, mass media, aviation companies): Ministry of Culture and National Identities, Administration of the National Cultural Fund, Constanta State University, Constanta County Museum of National History and Archeology, Teodor Burada County Cultural Center Constanta, Constanta Complex of Natural Science Museums, “Rasvan Angheluta” Natural History Museum Galati, Constanta City Hall, Constanta County Council, Constanta County School Inspectorate, “Gheorghe Dima” Music Academy from Cluj – Napoca, Blue Air Company, Dobrogea TV, etc.

Among the collaborators of the association are cultural and artistic professionals (actors, directors, screenwriters, designers, composers, ballerinas, choreographers, instrumentalists, conductors, performers, designers, painters, visual artists, etc.) historians, PR specialists, media specialists, marketing / advertising specialists, arts consultants, scientific consultants, specialized technical staff, etc.).

All cultural projects developed by the Georgina Rusu Cultural Association have been successfully completed, in optimal organizational, artistic, financial and proposed impact conditions.

Find out more about their activity from the attached project portfolio (.pdf).

Kontakt: Mr. Sebi Pătrunjei (
T: +40 732 391 394, W: