Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development, Armenija

21.10.2019, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do sreda, 20. november 2019
The Urban Foundation from Yerevan is looking for partners, e.g. museums, cultural operators, theaters, festivals, publishing houses, to cooperate in the project called “Fairy Tales of North and South”.


The Urban Foundation carries out its activities in the directions of Democratization and transition and human rights; Integrated Community Development; Regional Cooperation to support the establishment of regional cooperation and integration processes through dialogue, bilateral and multilateral regional initiatives, exchange of best practices.


The Fairy Tales of North and South: Creation of partnership between H.C. Andersen Museum in Odense, Denmark and H. Tumanyan Museum in Yerevan, Armenia. This partnership will allow audiences of our countries to get acquainted with their works and especially their fantastic fairy tales, and, on the other hand, will highlight their contribution in cultural development of their nations. The life and creations of these two iconic figures demonstrate that culturally North and South are not as distant as they are geographically. We want to mutually share important parts of national heritage with today´s generation in two countries, esp. youth and children.

They are looking for partner organizations that use fairy tales, kids’ stories, performing arts and can enrich this project with their expertise or by providing a platform for showcasing the works of the authors in focus.

Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development
9 Alex Manoogian St., 0070 Yerevan, Armenia
E: info@urbanfoundation.am