Eleusis Group, Italija

18.10.2019, Projekti sodelovanja (manjši) / Uprizoritvene umetnosti (gledališče, ples) in glasba
Odgovori do torek, 31. december 2019
Eleusis group from Italy is looking for partners from the field of performing arts to build a network of "good practices" of education through theater.


Eleusis is a group composed of 21 staff members, artists-educators. It was founded in 1999 by Emanuele Faina, artistic director and developer of Metodo Teatrico: an educational style focused on the individual and the relationship through theatrical techniques.
Every year the Metodo Teatrico produces Shows, Cultural Exhibitions, Festivals involving over 5.000 people as actors and 15.000 people as audience: actor coming from school (students and teachers play together on the same stage), jail, centres for people with physical and psycological disabilities, local health departments and companies.
Furthermore, Eleusis hosts Universal Civil Service projects and is nationally recognized by MIUR, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
More information: www.eleusisteatro.it


The project promotes an international confrontation between operative and methodological realities, theater companies and/or groups, aimed at the realization of artistic productions and shared paths of pedagogical theater.
Their project’s mission is to build a network of “good practices” of education through theater; as well as to set a starting point for a videographic and textual “literature” about European educational theater experiences. This set of materials (scientific publication, docufilm, photographic archive, ecc.) will be accessible by all those groups, companies, educators and artists of the European community willing to implement similar paths in the future.
They plan to reach these objectives through the realization of workshops, training sessions, seminars and co-productions of artistical performances shared between the partners and opened to transnational audiences.

Eleusiseurope@eleusisteatro.it / segreteria.eleusis@gmail.com